John Steger
June 11, 2017As the office comedian, he brings 20+ years of experience in the retail fixture and merchandising display business and…
Sheryl Steger
June 10, 2017Guru of all things beautiful, interior design professional by trade, she brings her knowledge of finishes and spatial design…
Farrah Beckham-Brown
June 9, 2017Our world traveler that loves to bargain hunt, her purchasing background has led her to selling the very items…
Catherine Johnson
June 8, 2017As a skilled actress by night, she has taken her theater talents and transformed them into her area of…
Pam Eckardt
June 7, 2017As a part-time taekwondo cheerleader of her two sons, Pam is multi-talented in that she designs fixtures and displays,…
Hans Peck
June 6, 2017When he’s not skating on ice and daydreaming about winning the Stanley cup, he plans and organizes projects start…
Linda Michael
June 5, 2017With left brain and right brain skills, she manages the business aspects, streamlines processes, and marketing. Linda has a…
Olga Agrumedo
June 4, 2017Loves to Salsa and as our champion forklift driver she brings 15+ years of experience related to fulfillment, inventory…
Oliver Matthews
October 14, 2013Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam massa quis mauris sollicitudin commodo
Melissa Munari
March 4, 2013Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam massa quis mauris sollicitudin commodo